Similar words: cassette, audio cassette, player, cd player, soccer player, hockey player, plant assets, layer. Meaning: n. electronic equipment for playing cassettes.
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1. I think I've broken your cassette player.
2. They keep a video cassette player nearby for just such an eventuality.
3. She put a tape in the cassette player but didn't hear the music.
4. Anyone with a home cassette player can testify to the questionable long-term durability of tape recordings.
5. Gao Ma kept a smal cassette player in his pocket, listening to it with earphones.
6. Garage raid: A computer and a portable cassette player worth £180 were stolen from a garage in Northallerton.
7. Culley looked towards a sideboard where the cassette player stood.
8. Later that week I bought a Kenwood cassette player, four good speakers and a graphic equaliser.
9. A £165 radio cassette player was also taken from a car parked in North Road.
10. The amount of explosive hidden in the radio cassette player which destroyed the aircraft was not detectable by any X-ray equipment.
11. Can you find a audio cassette player?
12. The cassette player and the tapes.
12. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
13. I want to return this cassette player.
14. The transport of the cassette player was working properly.
15. Could you possibly plug cassette player in for me?
16. Wang always carries her book and her cassette player in her bag.
17. Many retailers thought that a cassette player without a recording mechanism had little chance of success.
18. Boom - box: a CD, radio and cassette player with speakers that you can take wherever you go.
19. If you're audio cassette player will not stay closed, use a piece of duct tape to position the tape holder.
20. Would you like a cassette player or a video player?
21. The cassette player is an optional extra in this make of car.
22. Can you show me how it a cassette player works?
23. And let's not forget our cassette player and some tapes.
24. The car is a basic model with no frills such as a cassette player or sunshine roof.
25. You may want to install a few luxuries like a portable television, radio / cassette player or a telephone extension.
26. Wilmot, of Waterloo, Liverpool, is jointly accused with another man of stealing a radio cassette player from a car.
27. A Ford Capri was found burned out on the A171 near Guisborough after thieves removed the radio and cassette player.
More similar words: cassette, audio cassette, player, cd player, soccer player, hockey player, plant assets, layer, slayer, layered, ozone layer, layer cake, bricklayer, played, replay, played out, foreplay, roleplay, horseplay, settee, asset, rosette, assets, typesetter, trendsetter, casserole, frozen assets, capital assets, current assets, financial assets.